Start a Project

Form Instructions

This form guides you through a series of questions to find out what projects require a permit, or plan review, and what projects are eligible for online submittal and permit purchase. All fields are required.

Step 1: Does the project require a permit?

Read through the following list of projects that do not require a permit, including the linked excerpt from section 105.2 of the Pikes Peak Regional Building Code. If your project is on this list, choose "No". Otherwise, choose "Yes" and continue.

Projects That Do Not Require a Permit:

  • Painting
  • Flooring and Carpeting
  • Cabinets and Counter tops
  • Window and door replacement
  • Detached Accessory structures under 200 Sq. Ft. (Greater than 125 sq. ft. in Colorado Springs requires zoning approval)
  • Fences less than 7Ft in height
  • Minor Cosmetic repairs
  • Complete List of projects that do not require a permit
Permit required
This is a required field

Still not sure if your project requires a permit? Contact us.